Tele*Coyote (5.16.2022) Event Page

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Monday · May 16th

6pm pacific / 9pm eastern (60-90min)



Questions? Contact Eryn(at)



Majnoun Moon-

“Crazy for the Divine”


Majnoun is an Arabic word, commonly defined as “crazy,” meant as an aspersion.



The way I learned it via Deborah Felmeth, and the host of The Baghdad Cafe’ outside the ancient city of Palmyra, was “crazy for the Divine!”

So Team,

Am visiting with 2 great allies, our own, wondrous Sylvia Hanley, astro colleague of multi decades. 

Then off to Max Dashu’s world Headquarters

From whose archival realm

we will be transmitting 

Knock on wood…

supplicating Mercury, retrograde at 3+ Gemini -“Holly and Mistletoe, druidic life force, restoring a lost condition of spirituality…”


Max Dashu, pre-eminent mythic scholar, will join us tonight, beaming to you from her archival realm,

That we may tease this Friday the 13th – Buddha’s Fun Moon Lunar Eclipse, distilling its generous magic into incarnational practice….


Confluencing of allies


Slovenian Pust [Read more…]

Tele*Coyote (5.04.2020)

Please enjoy this Free°for°All
Tele*Coyote Council

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*True Beltane!



At the exact time we gather tonight, 

the Sun will have just arrived 

at 15 Taurus 00 – exact mid-season,


The Spring time Halloween, 

one of the 4 gates of Power, 

where power is especially eager to be invited 

into the world, for desirable animation


Photo of Moon by Ralph Lapalnche (Rockford, Illinois)


*And, for bonus points, 

tis Waxing Full Moon – The Buddhas Moon, 

tis a super moon (the last of the year)- 

Moon at perigee, closest to earth


Conjoining Uranus and Mercury…

early Thursday Morning…


*Humming in the field is the 

50 year anniversary of Kent State, 

to whose chart we shall listen. 


Resonant with the Showtime 

“Penny Dreadful-City of Angels,”- 

which gives a narrative animation 

of what thought form might cause 

a soldier to shoot into a crowd..

At Kent State – 13 seconds. 

And as the City of Angels villains state 

“…isn’t just a tragedy, but an opportunity…”



Nathan Lane in Penny Dreadful: City of Angels (Photo: Showtime)


And I am reminded by Nathan Lane’s  [Read more…]