
Welcome Trickster Ally Guests

for our dedicated convening Monday March 16th 6 pm PT, 9pm ET
7th of 7 Pluto-Uranus squares presentation cahoot with Caroline Casey and guest cahooter Daniel Giamario.
Co-Operators are standing by!

Please follow this link to participate in this evenings Council

Here is the Link to  The Council Page 


Pluto provides us a metaphoric cauldron into which we may cast old spells, personal and collective,
and Uranus-Coyote provides us a ladle whereby we may spiral liberating blessings into the memosphere (collective Group Mind).
So let’s consider what we would like to toss, and what we would like to ladle…
(So often ughhh-precedes aahhh)

You can keep tossing and ladling private or e-mail now, and during the call, for dedicated fun.

So glad you are contributing your woof at this most potent auspicious evening,
and we encourage you to consider enrolling for our on-going Trickster Training Council