Yo Team O’ Tricksters…
I am taking tonight off!
Third day of Christmas and all!
You have my Winter Solstice Talk available, as well as the recent 2 hour Talk I gave at CIIS,
to keep you nourished….
We shall re-convene Monday January 3rd…
This week Mercury retrograde stationing direct (late Wed-early Thursday) helps us to release old language, metaphors,
underwear, keeping only that which “we know to be beautiful and believe to be….” adorable.
Always a good idea, but even more skookum as we unfurl the scroll of 2011, and respond to its invitation to guide
metaphoric imagery energetically on-stage. “Ta-Da!!!!!” journeying into actual incarnational molecular reality…..
More Soon Later!
Trickster Uranus reminds us: “Strategic personal and cultural advantage goes to those cultivating intimacy with the power of symbols.” That would be us, Team.
And Artist of Order, Ruth, is guiding subscription Renewals…
So if you’re subscription is up for renewal —- or you’re not sure what your status is:
will guide you!