Yo team o incarnationally coinciding allies at this time of Dire Beauty, here is a recent missive for Trickster Council…
Enjoy for fun, and/or consider enrolling, where we will deeply delve pretty much every Monday night 6 pm pt / 9pm et, through this cuckoo year…
$200 for Thirteen Weeks
(Seasonal Membership +Plus One Week)
Cahooting with America
(and World)’s
Combo Psychotic Break / Renaissance
(take your pick)
The essence of Renaissance Conversational participation,
the sine qua non of our Liberating Trickster dedication is:
Critique and Blessing
ughh precedes aahh
So much guiding beauty, spice, and discernment, be available,
as Venus emerges in the West in Virgo, woof-woofing to us.
And for bonus points, the Moon’s adorable degree is
“Men toiling in a dark pit – a woman calmly lowers a rope.”
“O yoo-hoo, lads, here’s a rope!”
(akin to “tossing keys to beautiful and rowdy prisoners…”)
May each critique be a creative opportunity for liberating guiding.
Yesterday heard a “discussion” of racism on NPR,
where two Asian women had just had it
with people in their office not being able to tell them apart.
So they kept saying, ” this is racism,” over and over.
And NPR lackey kept chiming in, saying “yes, boo, racism.”
And that was pretty much it.
This is a case for Trickster!
So we say, all being in “same-boat samadhi,”
“may the parts of us exasperated
by honky imprisoning conditioning
be filled with the compassion of guiding liberating grace…
Here you go – here’s a path – you’ll like this.
It’s gonna be more fun for all of us.
Let’s step through the finite game of polarity
into the Infinite Game.”
May the ding-bat parts of us,
lacking in empathic discernment,
say “thank you- yes, we’re all in this together,
I am willing to discern…
Eager for my perspicacity to be enhanced.”
(And other more fun ways of expressing,
and being willing to dance polarity into spiraling accord.)
Let’s unfurl the clenched fist or the finger-wagging hand
into a multi-blessing- whoosh…!
And we say – yes – let’s invite in the proffering guiding…
rather than just ranting.
(Also NPR brings to mind the spicy quip
said about the writer Henry James,
“that he always chewed more than he bit off.”
We get to be spicy, critical, satirical,
as long as our Leo hearts are kind…
tis a good dedication.)
May all conversings magnetize liberating blessing.
The Aikido of stepping in, with a rope, with a key.
Mercury in Virgo trining Pluto-
invites us into the deep shadowy realms
of restoring the taboo back to sacred.
The oppressed have the Medicine to heal the oppressor.
The Oppressor unwittingly seeks the Medicine of what he oppresses.
(and the shadow – “let not those oppressed become oppressors.
O, sneaky colonialism.”)
Let’s toss into Pluto’s cauldron all condescension,
vitriol, spiky stridency – whose heat only feeds Shammat
(Doris Lessing’s imagined colonizing force that feeds on discord.)
And we shall engage the metaphor of “possession,”
as potentially guiding us to breaking cultural and personal spells.
Mercury opposes and Pluto sextiles – (“creative opportunity”) Neptune:
We are all Public Dreamers – Artists of Atmosphere –
contributing to the metaphoric climate
conducive to the splendiferous.
Available in the memosphere for down-load,
the tonic to trump the toxic.
The art form of being responsible citizens:
Always the guiding query,
“Is my manner of relating – an offering?
Serves Renaissance- or an imposition?
Serves psychotic tyranny…”
Let us play in these realms with great encouragement,
as Sun “Volunteer Church Choir,”
trines our Mid-Heaven “Easter Sunrise Service,”
Each night we see Mars getting closer to its rendezvous
with stationing Saturn on the 24th.
We can make substantial changes
in our personal and collective lives,
via dedication to the desirable story…
Practice, practice, practice,
we all blow it in the fairy tale,
all adorably befoibled –
yet tis the primary dedication that literally matters.
Join Now for $200
Seasonal (3 mo) Membership
+Plus Bonus of One Week