Trickster Training Council

Stay tuned to Caroline’s Mythic Newsletter for the next Council & more updates

Happening Now:

Trickster Training Returns!

Mondays · Weekly, Ongoing 

Sign up on

Audio Only (telephone or web broadcast) with replay available after

Astro*Mytho*Politico Weekly Themes as translated by Caroline.

$80 / month (4 weeks)

or $200 / season (13 weeks) <- Available for a limited time

Membership cycle begins when you sign up, and continues for the month / season time allotment. We do not automatically renew your membership. 

Coming up…

Visionary Activist Guidelines Council

Tuesdays · 8 weeks

Start date to be announced soon!

Zoom Video Council with replay available after

Each week dedicated to the Visionary Activist Guidelines, written by Caroline years ago, pertinent to now…

°Principle 0 (zero).
Believe nothing, entertain possibilities.
°Principle 1.
Imagination lays the tracks for the reality train to follow.
°Principle 2.
Better to create prophecy than to live prediction.
°Principle 3.
The invisible world would like to help,but spiritual etiquette requires that we ask.
°Principle 4.
The only way the gods know we are asking for help is ritual.
°Principle 5.
If something is a problem, make it bigger.
°Principle 6.
We only possess the power of an insightwhen we give it expression.
°Principle 7.
Creativity comes from the wedding of paradox.

5 Astrologer Intensive:
Deep Diving Apprenticeship

Timing & Price currently brewing… Interested?

We have a small group of deeply dedicated co-players forming, let us know if you would like to be considered for this intensive, how often you could meet, what you would wish to focus on, and what level of contribution would feel appropriate for this level of commitment.

Send us a note via email to


Past councils:

Past Council Members:

If you were part of a short-term council with Caroline in the last few years, find your council archives on this page (must log-in)

Welcoming all who wish to be ever more effective players on the Team of Creation at this time of dire beauty.

untitled-drawingNo rules, but guide-lines,  no homework, but encouraging experiments. Drawing on her extensive study in myriad Mystery Schools, (such as Gurdgieff, Arica, Builders of the Adytum etc Santeria, Sufism, New Orleans Voudoun etc..) Caroline guides the Trickster Team to explore the potent possibilities of an increasingly dedicated team of visualizers to occasion mega-desirable mojo and reciprocal blessing.

Subscribed Tricksters Aspirants are invited to chime in, or e-mail during the council.

The essence of ritual magic is literalizing metaphor…

So each week as we convene, we frolic with our male_mountain_goat_animal_oreamnos_americanusungettable and un-scapeable goats (our autonomy) – And if someone “gets our goat,” why then it returns even friskier!

We each have our guiding wisdom animal.

And our Magic Backpack that includes such useful things as our metaphoric agility, sourdough starters, liberating blessings, and our ever ready harumphitude-composter (ready to compost corruption and distill distress into Medicine that encourages our calm customized Coyote in cool creative response).

We play:

Metaphor is the incarnational garb whereby Power enters the world

cosmic-egg-orphic-eggSo cultivating metaphoric agility is a central skill whereby to be a conscious participant in the Cultural Renaissance.

Questions? Tech kerfuffles? Contributions?



to reach out to our wolfote pack for help.